Don’t let conflict get in the way of ministry.

Every Christian leader deals with adversity, but sadly your seminary degree probably didn’t prepare you for all the conflict you face day-to-day in your current role.

I want to help.

When Christians mishandle conflict, it’s costly. Not only is the impact felt relationally, but the reputation of Christ is on the line. Those outside the Christian faith frequently judge the validity of the Gospel by the way Christians act. “By this, all, people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one, another“. (John 13:35)

The good news is that over the past 35 years some truly effective programs have been developed - both secular and faith-based - that teach the skills necessary to prevent avoidable conflicts, repair relationships, and reach collaborative solutions where conflict already exists.

In my workshop, I take the best of the best from these programs and tailor them into one course, combining cutting-edge social science, solid Biblical teaching, and a generous dose of fun and humor 😉 Because let’s face it: people don’t like talking about conflict! One of the main reasons ministries don’t take advantage of these courses is because they think they’re going to be boring or painful. That’s where I come in.

In this interactive & entertaining workshop you will learn:

  • A guiding theology of conflict

  • The seven communication styles and when to use them

  • Identify & change harmful communication patterns

  • Build strong relationships in a safe, trusting environment (team building)

  • Expand self and other awareness on difficult issues

  • How to prepare for important, critical and difficult conversations 

  • How to express yourself in a more complete, organized & concise manner

  • Increase clarity in complicated & critical situations 

  • How to de-escalate and refocus conversations that have become too heated or unproductive

  • Manage unpleasant emotions like anger and fear constructively 

  • Proactive listening skills that can help you understand others’ deeper perspectives, emotions, and desires

  • How to help unskilled communicators become better by modeling how you listen and interact with them

  • How to improve your ability to empathize with, and care for others, with whom you disagree

  • Resolve interpersonal differences & conflict productively 

  • How to make an effective apology

  • How to express concerns and appropriately confront others by speaking the truth in love

  • How to repair and restore peace to broken relationships

Learn these skills, and also how to teach them to others

Many times, when we attend a workshop, the information or skills, we learn are helpful, but often times six months later, we’ve forgotten what we learned. In order to keep this from happening, there are two steps you can take.

First, you have my full permission to use your people and equipment to video the entire workshop if you wish. That way, you and your team can go back over any part of the workshop you need to brush up on.

Also, you can designate 1 to 3 members of your team, whom you wish to be able to teach these skills to others, and I can make sure I spend devoted time with them before, during, and after the workshop to make sure they learn how to instruct others. That way, future members of your team who did not attend the original workshop can learn the skills from your staff coaches personally, and watch the videos if they wish.

Interested? I’d love to chat.

Fill out this quick form to learn more about what it looks like to work together.


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